Thursday, January 7, 2010

Reasons Not To Like Snow

Ha ha. I love snow. But today I was thinking about a couple of things I don't like about snow:

1) It cancels everything. Bam. No Physics. No RUF. Nothing. It is so depressing. Now all I can do is work on my homework. That "Find a Scientific Magazine" assignment has turned out to be a boar. The section of the library my teacher advised us to search holds nothing but Scientific Journals with names like "The University of Nebraska's Coallition of Professors' Work on Abnormal Microbiology." Not only that, but the school library was closed by the snow. Groan.

2) There will invariably be someone who will loudly proclaim "What is everyone getting so worked up about! Back home in Michigan/New York/Canada the school wouldn't close for snow unless it was buried! And it certainly wouldn't close for this pathetic flurry!"
Although I tend to agree with them that flurries shouldn't stop the schools, I wish they would shut up.

3) When it snows, it is cold. I recently developed sores on my feet called "Chillblains." The name is far cooler than this ailment deserves. It makes your feet itch when you aren't touching them and scream bloody murder when you bump them against something or walk around campus. It also makes them swollen and purple. I hate the cold.


  1. I hate the cold too! You should see Signal MT. We have almost two inches of snow, and the weather guy said we will get three!!

  2. Ha! One more reason not to care about RUF.
