Friday, January 8, 2010


Today Andrew is off to get his Driver's Permit. I asked Dad if I could get my license today, but the weather shut me down by icing all the roads. Curses. I don't think ice is all that dangerous and I could really impress my proctor by driving safely in dangerous conditions, but Dad would not hear it. Now Andrew and I will have our permits at the same time and I will have to suffer the inferiority complex of having a younger brother at the same stage of driving as I am. O me miseram!


  1. Ice is all that dangerous. When your car is spinning and you have no control over it--no way even to stop the car, which is the case when your tires can't grip the ice--it's dangerous.

    We tried to drive to my grandparent's house in Flintstone in the ice yesterday, and we saw several accidents, cars rolled into ditches, etc. Plus my grandparents live on a hill so we lost traction halfway up the hill and started rolling backwards; we almost ended up in a ditch too--not exactly "safe" weather conditions.

    Of course, if the roads are sanded and everyone has studded snow tires (like in CT), the ice isn't as much of a problem.

  2. That is somewhat "worst case senario," Ariel. Actually, as far as ice went, I didn't see any on the actual roads.

  3. I agree with both Ariel and is very dangerous! Not to mention the fact, you can't always be certain that you'll impress your judge, you yourself Duncan might lose traction while driving, thus failing your test.

    I wish Andrew all the luck on his test. I took mine almost a month ago, it was MUCH easier than I thought! The frustrating part of it all was the lady at the front dest refused to grant me my well deserved license because I was a home-schooler!! I felt like slapping her! When we got home my mother called our attorney! Hopefully that will not happen to you when you go get your license!!!

  4. Hey... I'm at the same stage in driving as Duncan! aHAHAHA!!

    Jacob =D
