Thursday, January 21, 2010

Be Prepared

Ha! Last week Alexie never came with my dinner so I spent six hours suffering from teenage male scale hunger. (On the richter scale, that would be a 6.) Today I planned ahead! I have brought with me six sandwiches and two liters of soda. Ha ha! Now I'll never go hungry! Hooray!

The downside is that carrying this much food makes my bag almost as heavy as Ariel's. (It still isn't comparable to Megan's, but whatever.) If I do this every Thursday, I will end up with some severe spondylosis in my old age. *shudder*

I've been wondering throughout the day... which is heavier - a cubic meter of paper or a cubic meter of peanut butter sandwiches and soda? Hmmmm...

On the other hand, this means that my friends study about as much as I eat.

1 comment:

  1. I think that a cubic meter of paper is heavier because paper is made of wood.
