Saturday, February 6, 2010

Practice MCAT

Two nights ago I performed the practice MCAT. My results surprised me: My score for Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) was twice my score for Biological Sciences (Biology and OChem). Dad pointed out that this was probably because I only took half of my biological sciences courses so far. However, I am amazed that I even got what I did on biology. I only knew the answers to two of the seventy questions: the one on directional selection and the one about genetics. (I had actually just done a question just like that one earlier that day. He he.) Somehow all the biology that was talked about in the MCAT was completely missing from my general biology course. I feel totally cheated. What I need to take is some sort of enzyme course and some cellular biology before I take the MCAT. I will probably take this into account when planning my actual schedule for next semester.


  1. I felt cheated too when I took my biology lab. My Prof. never talked about the things that were on my tests...twas a bummer... At least I passed:) lol
    My Mama has some biology books, and so do I. You may borrow some of them if you'd like.

  2. After you left, the guy at the MCAT said that the Biology was mostly homeostasis.
