Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Banner Schedule

Hmm. Probably no one cares about this, but I am going to post my fake schedule anyway. It is a pretty good indicator of what I want to take in the fall. I want to tweak it a bit so I have at least one class on Tuesday and Thursday. I'll probably drop Ecology if the only section crosses Random Fun so take this as a tentative "Hey! Check out this fake schedule!" type thing.

...nothing. Gotta fix that.

8:00: O-Chem with Dr. Mebane. Yes, I know how everyone out there hates 8:00 classes and if Megan says she absolutely refuses to have a class at 8:00, I'll change sections to be with her. But according to just about everyone, Mebane is the person to take. He is the head of the O-Chem teachers so taking with him is a pretty big honor. That's probably why he scheduled his classes at 8:00.

9:00: Logic, Language, and Evidence with Dr. Plaisted. I know Dr. Santiago told us not to pile on a bunch of random classes we don't need, but I think a college-level grasp on Logic will be a really big help in the verbal reasoning section of the MCATs. Not only that, it is with Dr. Plaisted. Double plus!

10:00: Ecology with Dr. Boyd. She seems like a liberal nutter and the only lab section available is on Friday during Random Fun so it will probably fall through. Otherwise, I like it. Ecology is a fascinating topic, when not done too Democratically, and it fulfills the "Ecology and Evolution" requirement. It sounds more interesting and less controversial than "Evolution," "Systematics," and "Biodiversity," that's for sure.

11:00: Bio-ethics with Dr. Plaisted. It is the most fascinating course that fills my remaining FA/HU, and since it is only offered in the fall, I want to hop on it. And it is with Dr. Plaisted AGAIN. Woo hoo. Another double plus! Do you think medical schools would be impressed by a recommendation from a Philosophy teacher?


1:00: Ecology Lab on Friday. Boo hiss. Last semester they opened another surprise section for Ecology so I'm hoping they'll do the same thing this semester so I won't have to choose between Ecology and Random Fun.

2:00: O Chem Lab on Monday. I could put this on Tuesday at 8:00, but I have no real preference. I'm just going to follow my friends' leads on this one.

That about wraps it all up! Now that you are all bored stiff, what do you think?


  1. I'm sure Luke will take 8am O Chem.

    As for Tues and Thurs, I sure there's a uber-lame math class available wherein the professor threatens to flunk the entire class. Oh, wait, you might want to avoid those.

  2. Well, if you took the 2:00 O Chem Lab, you could be assured of not being forced by Lexie to leave before lunch time. However, that would mean that you wouldn't be able to come over and play Bang (or Killer Bunnies) on Monday afternoons. So, maybe 8:00 on Tuesday is better. I guess it just depends on whether or not you'd like to have another 8:00 AM class.

    BTW, Logic, Language,and Evidence sounds lame. Especially since it's not fulfilling any requirements.

    You know, I bet my Mathematics 300 class will be Tuesday/Thursday. You could take that! Yeah! ...Or not.

  3. I think Dr. Mebane is also teaching a O Chem class at another time than 8. I was also thinking about taking Bioethics.
