Tuesday, February 9, 2010


You know, I've never really cared about the existence of grade curves. They never really mattered. Ever. I'd get an 'A' and then after the curve, I would have an 'A'. Today in Physics I learned the importance of curves.

For example, if your test only has four questions and you run out of time before you have time to address one, you will probably get a very bad score, theoretically a 29.75/40. Gasp! You're thinking '73% is a C! AAAH!' But A-ha! What if, theoretically, the rest of the class sucked worse? What if the class average was 19/40! Then A-ha! Your score is suddenly and magically a 90.5%.

Guess what! That theory is a reality! Who could have guessed! My Physics teacher was extremely steamed and spent the first fifty minutes of class going over the first question on the test. (One which I got perfectly right.) Anyway, I have resolved that I will NEVER EVER get a score that bad on a test again. Failing this test has taught me more than passing all the other tests has combined. The silver lining is that it didn't matter that I failed the test: POWER TO THE CURVES! I get all the benefit of failing combined with all the benefit of passing the class! Yay!


  1. Good for you Duncan!

  2. I wish my Bio prof curved tests, even without it I'm alright, but I have my work cut out for me. Your talking about Dr. Marlow, right?
