Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Hell Day

Hey, everyone. It's Hell Day again, that special time of year when our beloved Savior did some time in the Ultimate Clink. In honor of this momentous occasion, I wrote two papers that I've been procrastinating on for quite some time. And they are still not completely done. I descended into hell and on the third day rose again with my Grant Proposal and my Cochlear Implants paper all done. Anyways, Happy Easter.

Yesterday, my brother Luke asked why we called it Good Friday if it was the day Jesus died. It was very cute so I decided to immortalize his ignorance in a blog post. The reason I gave him was the Great news that Jesus rose just two days later! He is risen! He is risen indeed.


  1. I know that this is a blog post and it’s supposed to be humorous, but after Christ died, he didn’t go to hell--he ascended into heaven. As he told the thief on the cross, “Today I will be with you in paradise.” And as he was dying on the cross he said, “It is finished.” Christ’s sufferings ended with his death; they were finished. If he was going to go suffer in hell, it wouldn’t be finished, and what he said would make no sense. Christ did “suffer hell on the cross” in the sense that God turned his back on him—“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”—and that he suffered God’s wrath and curse. He paid the debt for our sins through his sufferings and his separation from the Father on the cross, and then when he died, he ascended to heaven. There’s no reason to think that Christ went to hell but instead every reason to trust that he ascended to heaven, to the right hand of his father.

  2. You're right. It is just a doctrine steeped in tradition, with no real biblical evidence.

  3. It's not steeped in any traditions I'm familiar with.
