Monday, September 28, 2009

Yam Kippur (At least, that's how I think you spell it)

Today, my Physics teacher was noticeably absent. He was replaced by a lady who sounded Russian, but could have been from anywhere from the Soviet Union. My old Physics teacher being a Jew, I am naturally suspicious when he goes missing and the only person's word I have that he is safe is his Russian substitute, but nevermind. Anyway, she isn't a very good teacher. I hardly understood a thing she said. It was kind of cool when she said "Very good," in her Russian accent but other than that the class was a bust. There were several people who walked out half way through (which was ironic because I was talking about people walking out of class at lunch that morning.) Anyways, happy Yam Kippur, or however it is you spell it.


  1. Russian accent--that brings back memories of my violin teacher in CT. (She was Russian, obviously.) It was hard to understand her at first, but eventually I got used to it.

    BTW, it's Yom Kippur.

  2. Hmmm. . . maybe she doesn't realize that the Cold War is over and is trying to get all American students to fail Physics so future Russian missiles have a better chance of hitting us because Americans won't no how to do Physics.

  3. New blog post, Duncan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
