Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Grumble. It appears that everything has gotten harder. My Physics class is still a breeze, but my Physics Lab is killing me. I got my first paper back and it was an F!!! I know what you're all thinking: Wait a minute! Duncan is way too smart to get an F! I thought so too. Apparently I was wrong. What happened was I summarized our experiment it when he said to analyze it. There were three "discussion questions" he wanted answered which I totally overlooked. Minus 10! Minus 10! Minus 10! Minus 10 for some other stuff! etc! etc! etc! AAAAH!

Anyways, I am allowed to drop my lowest lab grade. This will DEFINITELY be it. I'm going to make A's on everything else.

This dropping a grade has really helped me in past semesters. There was one time that I totally spaced and showed up to lab an hour late. Ugh.


  1. Hmm... that's unfortunate. Good thing you can drop it.

    Random weird grade fact: Did you know that in WA, high school students can graduate with a "D" average, and that as long as they have a "D" average, it's OK if they even get "F"s on some of their classes?

  2. Duncan, I though you were too smart to get a "B" on your homework.
