Monday, September 21, 2009

Stern Letter

Alright, this is the last straw. When I asked Lexie what she was doing what she was doing with the Latin people before lunch she answered, "Oh, we were preparing our skit for Latin." Hey! I don't do skits in Latin class! I feel ripped off! I have sent Dr. Davies a VERY STERN LETTER politely asking him why our class doesn't do any of the fun things Lexie's class is doing. We'll see what comes of this...


  1. They're doing a skit?! Now why didn't Lexie list that as "uses of a dead language" when I was ragging on Latin majors? That's a great use--you can perform skits in a language that no one speaks anyway!

  2. Isn't Lexie in a higher Latin class than you are?
