Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Garlic Breath!

Today, I dined with Methodists with a bunch of my friends. I actually received an e-mail from Megan that told me that they would NOT meet at the Methodist center. Fortunately, I ignored it. I met them at the door. Well, the Methodists gave us some yummy lasagna that I ate a whole lot of (Ariel couldn't finish hers, ha.) and garlic bread that left you tasting garlic for the rest of the day.

Fortunately, this did not stop me from being a complete GENIUS in Physics class. I did the first quiz and got a 15/10 for a score. And he handed me back the extra credit today. I was the ONLY PERSON who actually did it. So my scores are through the roof in Physics. And I haven't even had my first test yet. Hooray!


  1. What does this have to do with garlic breath?

  2. Nice job with the Physics quiz. Gotta love extra credit!

    You're probably one of the only people I know who likes frozen lasagna. Of course, you also like American cheese and baloney and all things processed and fake so that's not a huge surprise :)
