Thursday, November 19, 2009


Tonight I'm going to see a play! Hoorah! I've been doing Parking Appeals Committee for an hour and a half (longest meeting I've had yet), so a play will be a welcome change of pace. It'll be Anon(ymous) and starts at 7:30, about two hours from now. I lent Alexie all the cash in my backpack so that she could go see it and then realized I didn't have enough cash so that I could go see it. Supposedly we have money from work, but liquid assets (cash) are hard to come by.

P.S. To Grandma: If you are reading this blog post, the money I got from the thanksgiving card this morning really helped!


  1. Liquid assets. Yup, cash definitely is liquid. Did you know that accounts receivable are fairly liquid assets too? And from what I gather, you lent Alexie some cash, which means that you have an "account receivable" from Lexie! It also means that Lexie has a current liability, namely an "account payable." See how hard I've already been studying for my accounting final? :)

  2. I won't mention anything else that went on. . .
