Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Grade Counter

I developed a system for counting my grades. Every time you get a test grade back, subtract 90 and there is your score for that test. For example, if I've gotten a 96 and a 97 in Economics, I have a +6 and a +7. Therefore I can tell that for my final I can afford to get a -13. Of course, this method doesn't factor in that the final is usually weighted differently than the other tests. Fortunately most of my classes have finals that aren't heavier than the normal tests so this method actually works! Hooray!

P.S. When I told my Mom about my genius new counter scheme, she told me just to get an A on every test and then I would get an A for the course. Hmph. Mothers.


  1. Yeah, I was calculating necessary final scores for my classes too, and Mom said pretty much the same thing to me, "Well, if you get an 'A' it doesn't matter."

  2. Ha Ha Ha, you guys are so insane!

  3. Duncan, just use the formula I've created:
    (G1+G2+. . . +X)/N=90
    where N is the number of tests, Gs are the test grades, and X is the grade you need on the last test. Of course this doesn't work when one test is weighted more than the others.
