Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Computers really aren't that bad.

Just today my computer told me to register Microsoft Office online again or they would turn off the "grace period" which sent my mother into panic mode. Mother can really not stand having any computers attach to the internet unless she has already given them up for dead. She told me to back up every file on my computer of any value before I plugged it in. You could see in her eyes that she was thinking of the hours she would have to spend talking to tech support trying to remove some alien virus from my computer.
In the end it only took me five seconds and nothing bad has happened. I was expecting my computer to go haywire and destroy Chattanooga before moving on to Tokyo or something.

Just wait for tomorrow when Conficker (Configure and a swear word combined) comes out of hibernation and causes the seventh apocalypse since 1950. I'd advise the Japanese to go into their bomb shelters if I could speak their language.

Deep theological questions.

Recently I was studying the story of Jacob and Esau and realized that although God loved Jacob and hated Esau, Esau was really the more righteous of the two.

First, Jacob takes advantage of his brother Esau, who is admittedly really stupid to trade his birthright for a bowl of soup. Then he goes ahead and lies to his father to steal his brother's inheritance. He then fears for his life and runs off. He marries two people and their maids. He goes home and is prepared to give Esau large amounts of cattle and land in exchange for not killing him and Esau forgives him. (It might have just been for the cattle. Who knows.)

What's really annoying is that if I were Esau and Andrew were Jacob, I would probably kill him promptly, but Esau forgave him. This is really bad because although Esau did something extremely admirable right there, the only other thing we knew about him was that God hated his guts.

The only consolation I have is that it doesn't matter how righteous you are because of Christ's death and resurrection. Without that, I would be beyond saving, worse even then a man God openly despised. Praise God.

The true answer is elusive yet.

Last night, I think I figured out what to call Douglas: Heather's One True Love.

This annoying dilemma stems from the fact that Heather flat refuses to let us use the word boyfriend. When I find my soulmate, I'm going to call them my 'girlfriend' even if we're courting. So there.

No other word even closely describes the relationship. "Friend," "Acquaintance," and "Penpal" are all too informal and non-specific. "Fiancee" and "Future Husband" are too forward. "The person that Heather is currently in a relationship with" is currently what we call him although it is far too wordy for my tastes. (Not only that but it ends with a preposition which is always wrong.)

Now I know you are all thinking "One True Love" sounds really corny and stupid, but hey, Heather is a corny and stupid person, right? (Kidding, kidding.) I stumbled upon it after undergoing this train of thought: "Main guy?" No, too mafia and implies that there are multiple when in reality the opposite is true. "Monogamous partner?" No, too scientific. Ah. "One True Love." Perfect.

Of course, five seconds ago I used the word "soulmate." Maybe we can go with that one instead. That one's pretty awesome. I think I'll make a poll.

Monday, March 30, 2009

My first blog is on blogging, how droll.

Hoorah. Since I don't have class until 3:00 I might as well write something. Since I have not left the computer since my last post, nothing interesting has happened which might cause me to pause and say to myself: "I ought to blog about this interesting occurrence." Instead I have been pressing buttons and saying "Oooooh. I could poll my non-existant readers with a click of this button!" and "Ooooooh. I could alert my readers that there is adult content on this blog!" There isn't, by the way. It would just be a joke. It wasn't a very funny idea though so I decided against it.

For a second, I considered putting those boxes that ask reactions underneath my blog posts but I decided against it for two reasons: 1) I couldn't figure out how. 2) It didn't look that great anyway. Hmph.
Anyways, when you put reactions under your posts you run the risk of having your readers re-read your blog post and realize that you didn't say anything that remotely fit the very vague generalization reactions you listed. They're really not that great because they are all so ambiguous.

I guess I only have one more note: After writing this post I noticed that I used the two totally distinct words 'Oooooh' and 'Ooooooh' in my first paragraph. For some reason the spellcheck put the first one in red underline but totally ignored the second one. On that note, I just said the words again and there was no underline on either. The world is full of mysteries.

Filling up long hours

In case you didn't notice when you clicked on the link to get here or whatever, I decided to start blogging.

If nothing else, this blog will serve to fill up the long hours I spend here at UTC doing absolutely nothing. Since I have multiple hours of this every weekday, I expect that I will be updating quite regularly.

That's all I wanted to say really. In fact, I didn't even want to waste time saying it but if I didn't my blog would be empty.