Monday, March 30, 2009

My first blog is on blogging, how droll.

Hoorah. Since I don't have class until 3:00 I might as well write something. Since I have not left the computer since my last post, nothing interesting has happened which might cause me to pause and say to myself: "I ought to blog about this interesting occurrence." Instead I have been pressing buttons and saying "Oooooh. I could poll my non-existant readers with a click of this button!" and "Ooooooh. I could alert my readers that there is adult content on this blog!" There isn't, by the way. It would just be a joke. It wasn't a very funny idea though so I decided against it.

For a second, I considered putting those boxes that ask reactions underneath my blog posts but I decided against it for two reasons: 1) I couldn't figure out how. 2) It didn't look that great anyway. Hmph.
Anyways, when you put reactions under your posts you run the risk of having your readers re-read your blog post and realize that you didn't say anything that remotely fit the very vague generalization reactions you listed. They're really not that great because they are all so ambiguous.

I guess I only have one more note: After writing this post I noticed that I used the two totally distinct words 'Oooooh' and 'Ooooooh' in my first paragraph. For some reason the spellcheck put the first one in red underline but totally ignored the second one. On that note, I just said the words again and there was no underline on either. The world is full of mysteries.

1 comment:

  1. The other problem with reactions is that if you email your grandparents, explaining to them with step-by-step instructions on how to comment, they will think you are referring to reactions even though you say "click on the button that says 'comments.'" Apparently, there is no noticable difference between the word "reactions" and the word "comments."

    Yeah, I noticed the button for alerting readers of "adult content." But, I didn't even need to set that because, apparently, that already happens :)
