Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rape Aggression Defense Class

When I first read the UTC e-mail announcing that this class would be available, my eyes got shiny and I thought to myself "boy oh boy! I would love to do this!" Then I read the byword "FEMALES ONLY!" Bah. Self-defense is so cool. Now I have to figure out a way to sneak into this class. Here are all my possible routes:

1. Dress in drag
2. Set up a camera and film this class
3. Show up day of and see if they'll let me in
4. Write an e-mail and see if they would let a guy participate anyway
5. Build a female robot
6. Pretend I'm a transsexual and decry the sexism of not letting me participate

I'll let you guys vote. Of course, Phantom Thief Duncan has already broken into the ARC (where it is being held) once before... hm hm hm.


  1. We aren't a great risk for rape, Duncan.

  2. The female robot thing might work. David could lend you Steve and then you'd just have to rename it something like Susan or Mary--I bet nobody could tell the difference!

  3. ....Yeah.... Creepy...

  4. 2 then I could watch the tape and lern self-defense
