Monday, December 21, 2009

Puzzle Addict

It has been really incredible having all this free time. Of course, all I've done is sit and home and do jigsaw puzzles. Here's the general run-down of how the McPhersons do puzzles:

1. We all open the puzzle together as a huge happy family and begin snapping pieces together. Someone does the spine, someone else does the huge title in the center, someone does an enormous face/country, etc. We all grab a huge project and do it.

2. After we've finished each of our huge projects we stick them into the middle of the spine and then have a tenuously square puzzle with a cross of pieces through the center.

3. Everyone leaves except me. Mom and Dad usually have a Netflix to watch, Heather goes upstairs to talk to her boyfriend who is either just getting up or just going to bed, and Alexie and the boys either have "intelligent conversation" in the living room or go to sleep. I continue to place pieces into the puzzle deep into the night.

4. Next morning I wake up and begin work on the puzzle. Dad, being off for an entire week for Christmas, helps too. When we get down to about fifty pieces, kids come out of the woodwork and begin stuffing pieces into their pockets so they can be the person to put the last piece into the puzzle.

5. The puzzle ends. I exhaustedly stare at it thinking how I would never like to do that again. Mom takes a picture of me and the puzzle and then promptly sweeps it into the box and gets out a new one. Then the whole thing starts all over again! Aah!

Somehow I can't stop. I guess this is what it is like to be addicted to something. At least it is something harmless like puzzles instead of something extremely deadly and dangerous like drugs, alcohol, or online gaming.


  1. I didn't know that Alexie and the boys were capable of "intelligent conversation."

  2. This is unrelated, but "Merchant of Venice"!?!?!?! Whose dumb idea was that?
